Douro Film Harvest


The films that compete in the “Wine Films” section enhance the connection between cinema and wine. A connection that has been throughout the 7th art unquestionable. “Deconstruint el vi Català” (Raúl Deamo), “Harvest” (Paul Lacoste), “Natural Resistance” (Jonathan Nossiter), “Someone’s Harvest”, (Zhang Tao) e “Toastmaster” (Eric Boadella) , are the films competing in this edition of Douro Film Harvest.
  • Someone's Harvest
    Zhang Tao

  • Natural Resistance

  • Toastmaster
    Eric Boadella

  • Deconstruint el vi catala
    Raúl Deamo

  • Harvest

© 2014 Douro Film Harvest. All rights reserved.
Developed by: AZULZEN